ESG: Environmental, Social & Corporate Governance

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LUDA Partners assume the ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance) criteria, understood as postulates for business activities around the references of sustainability, that is, commitment to preserving the heritage of future generations without detriment to the spaces they inhabit, in terms of environmental and social health, which consists of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). And, secondly, Good governance, understanding as such the duty to comply with the Law at the command of government bodies, both internally diligent, transparent and open to participation, and away from external corruption and any type of infringement.
Our technological solution promotes efficiency sustainability agility
Our technological solution is promoted by a responsible government that, from a strong commitment to internal and external compliance, seeks environmental and social sustainability, turning the pharmacy into a cooperative agent for decarbonization and decontamination and reinforcing its role care.

By reducing the movement of patients, consumers or couriers between all the pharmacies that are connected to our digital network, we contribute to the reduction of the carbon footprint of the Healthcare distribution, as well as to the supply function of medicines and health products or parapharmacy, encouraging the digitalization and creating a care synergy between establishments that provide services of health interest and supporting their maintenance in the market.
LUDA’s management prevents breaches in any legal area that links the operation and functioning of the digital network, as a technological tool and as a market product, its government remaining attentive to the most rigorous code of ethical conduct in relation to health authorities and competences that regulate the activity of its clients and partners, as well as those that protect patients and consumers, in accordance with the UN agenda of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Regarding the environment, our tool helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions caused by climate change since LUDA assign the order to the nearest pharmacy which has the product available for its dispense, reducing journeys and its carbon footprint. We also help to reduce the waste produced in the pharmacy due to the expiration of unlocated products or, at home, due to the failed selection of equivalent parapharmaceutical products.
Thanks to the 340,000 references that we have in our tool, we reduce the percentage of orders that are rejected or chosen instead of the desired one, making it possible to improve the environmental sustainability of the last mile in the pharmacy sector, avoiding long or unsuccessful journeys and also, consumers finding themselves forced to choose other parapharmacy products that may end up being thrown away.
In the social field, our network integrates into the mediterranean pharmacy model making more effective and efficient the medicine supply, contributing the adherence to treatments and reducing the stress of seeking patients, digitally modernized and, thus, financially more healthy.
The use of the digital network contributes to the social sustainability of the last mile by:
- Guaranteeing the supply, the result of immediacy and capillarity, achieving:
- Promote adherence to treatments, reducing the stress and discouragement of the search by the patient.
- Enable a better choice, thanks to the more than 340,000 product references that LUDA has.
- Rationalize consumption, since this better choice favors the reduction of unnecessary purchases and the consequent regulation of the offer.
- Breaking the digital gap, in which LUDA not only offers the digital network as a technological development itself, but also its support service for affiliated pharmacies and training, through LUDA ACADEMY.
- Consolidating a culture of familiarity by relocating large stores to pharmacies distributed in different parts of the cities and thereby influencing:
- The rebalancing of opportunities for the vulnerable pharmacies within the economic sector.
- The dispensing of medicines in nearby pharmacies and in whose environment the establishment of other care services is favored.
- Online parapharmaceutical sale, more immediacy.
Beside to voluntarily complying with environmental and social references, LUDA Partners describe their compliance risks in relation to both the legal and mandatory provisions regarding:
1. General Business Regime
2. Competition
3. Advertising of regulated pharmaceutical product
Regarding the first, LUDA meets corporate, financial or accounting obligations, and labor, common to other companies.
In terms of competition, LUDA abides by 3 rules:
1. Preference to the nearest pharmacy
2. Prices are not compared (in parapharmacy)
3. No data is sold
Regarding legal and regulatory pharmaceutical advertising, LUDA make sure to inform that:
- It is always the pharmacist who dispenses medication and controls parapharmacy products.
- The products are stored and protected in the necessary security conditions.
- The products are handled by professionals in the sector (pharmacists).
- The pharmaceutical professional can offer his knowledge and experience if the patient picks up the products at the pharmacy.
How do we contribute to sustainability?
LUDA is aware of environmental care and protection, and that is why we contribute to the compliance of Goal 13 of the Sustainable Development Goals 2030 (SDG): Climate action. We promote greenhouse gas emissions’ reduction by lowering routes’ distance and rejected orders this way:
Routes of 3 km
Routes of 3 km
Routes of 20–30 minutes promote the use of means of transport with less environmental impact such as bikes, scooters, or any other electric vehicles. Customers can pick up the order in pharmacies too, which will save on deliveries.
Decrease in rejected orders
Decrease in rejected orders
It has been estimated that 8% of the orders are refused but, thanks to LUDA, this number can be reduced to 1.5%. A decrease in rejected orders means fewer extra trips and less pollution.